Skills+ Day: Biophilia



The first Skills+ Day of 2020 was held on February 28th. This time, Jestico + Whiles’ team explored biophilia in design.

Meristem Design, a design-led greening consultancy, shared their expertise on biophilia in buildings. Patrick Featherstone, a specialist in plant maintenance, presented the benefits of having houseplants in a workspace and held a planting workshop at the office. We learned how to sow seeds, repot shoots and plant cuttings.

In true Skills+ Day fashion, our team headed out — this time to explore the rich landscape of Barbican Centre and the green coworking spaces of Second Home. Every team member took a single photo of the most interesting symbiosis of landscape vs architecture or plants vs interior design.

Here is the winner of our Skills+ Biophilia photo contest — Heinz Richardson.