Lambeth City Heights E-ACT Academy

This project combined the rebuilding of a primary school and the creation of a new academy, with its Spanish specialism permeating all aspects of the academy and providing a unique character to the building.

Client London Borough of Lambeth

Location London, UK

Status Built

Completion 2014


Lambeth City Heights E-ACT Academy / Jestico Whiles

A Jestico + Whiles led team won the design competition for Lambeth E-ACT and Fenstanton Primary School. The project, on two sites near Tulse Hill in London, combined the rebuilding of the primary school for 638 children and the creation of a new 1100-place academy for sponsor E-ACT, to be known as City Heights Academy.

In addition to providing two high quality schools for the benefit of local children of all ages, one of the key aims of the project was to enable community use of the facilities. A performance hall, sports centre, café and learning resource centre were all positioned where they could be easily and securely accessed by the community.

To accommodate the community’s use of the facilities the academy opens at weekends and during holidays. A full enrichment programme also runs before and after school. PE teaching is delivered in the academy buildings (sports hall, fitness suite and activities studio).

In addition to the full and broad curriculum, the specialist subject of the school was to be Spanish, and so this was to permeate all aspects of the academy, becoming a ‘lead’ subject and providing a unique character to the building.

Lambeth City Heights E-ACT Academy / Jestico Whiles
Lambeth City Heights E-ACT Academy / Jestico Whiles
Lambeth City Heights E-ACT Academy / Jestico Whiles
Lambeth City Heights E-ACT Academy / Jestico Whiles
Lambeth City Heights E-ACT Academy / Jestico Whiles